Dim Progess Check #18
Our deadline is in two weeks, and we seem to be in decent shape. Most of the team has pivoted to polishing animation, I personally have prioritized editing, cameras, and polishing my own shots. Our biggest hurdle right now is animation, but even in this respect I don’t feel too discouraged. Most of our shots are in a relatively good state.
I spent most of the last week relearning Nuke in an effort to composite our moments of shadow into our final shots. The biggest hurdle here was figuring out that I needed to turn the premultiply knob on the shadow’s roto node to alpha. By default, only the output is set to alpha, but for some reason this knob setting needed to be apply.
I then needed to put Rory in front of the spotlight, requiring the use of masks and merge nodes. The next area of attack is having the mask follow as the camera moves, and then color correcting, the ladder of which should be significantly easier. I plan on meeting with Jeremy at the beginning of this week to hopefully get a better understanding of what I am doing and what needs to be done.